Robert Balgenorth, President of the California Building Trades Council, wrote the following op-ed published in the San Diego Union-Tribune outlining the importance of 12 years of data exclusivity in Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations for biopharmaceutical innovation and union jobs.
Recent News
Democratic Lawmakers Ask to be Included in Pacific Trade Talks
The letter comes as the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation released a report Tuesday calling on U.S. trade negotiators to insists that the trade deal include ‘the highest levels of intellectual property rights protection, transparency in government procurement practices, removal of non-tariff barriers, comprehensive market access provisions, and stringent enforcement mechanisms.
Ohio’s ‘Dual Eligible’ Reform Must Focus on Patient Care
William Burga, Former President of the Ohio AFL-CIO, wrote the following op-ed published in the Cleveland Plain Dealer advising caution in the Affordable Care Act’s management of services for those who qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid.
Advancing Industry and Innovation
Eric J. Martinson, a business manager at Local 66, wrote the following op-ed highlighting a facility tour of the Western Washington Sheet Metal Joint Apprenticeship Training Center in Everett, Washington.
Tour Of Sheet Metal Workers Local 66 Training Facility In Everett
Leaders from Washington’s biopharmaceutical industry, labor unions, and state legislature joined today at the Western Washington Sheet Metal Joint Apprenticeship Training Center in Everett to discuss ways to work together to advance the goals of job creation, worker training and medical innovation.
Alliance Creates New Jobs and Life-Saving Technology
This article, published in the Courier-Post, highlights the PILMA partnership following a New Jersey iron workers facility tour attended by Sen. Robert Menendez.