Trade Unions and biopharmaceutical vaccine makers are helping Senator Menendez end the pandemic and appreciate his support for those working to defeat COVID-19.
The impact COVID-19 has had on every American and every industry in the U.S. is simply unprecedented. The record-breaking speed of scientific discovery to bring a new kind of vaccine into existence is also unprecedented. And the response of America’s building trades in mobilizing to create the infrastructure for manufacturing and delivering those vaccines to the world is unprecedented and should not be forgotten.
None of this would have been possible without the existing partnership between the pharmaceutical industry and skilled craft workers. The history of working together and the training that building trades provide members to work specifically on biopharmaceutical projects laid the groundwork for quick mobilization to meet the speed and safety required to manufacture the vaccine.
The biopharmaceutical industry and union construction workers are beyond proud of the hard work, dedication and persistence that has made this vaccine a reality. We mourn the devastation and loss of life this pandemic has caused but are inspired by the hope and promise our work brought to the world. We are humbled as we continue to innovate and collaborate toward future treatments and cures that can only come to life with collaboration between biopharmaceutical innovation and skilled labor.
Learn More: Union Hands Craft the COVID Cure
PILMA partners are working around the clock to assist in a time of exponential need:
- Rapidly screening vast global libraries of medicines to identify potential treatments and ramp up numerous clinical trials to test new and existing therapies.
- Helping to respond to the sick in communities across the country while putting their own health and families at risk.
- Diverting existing resources to speed the development of safe and effective vaccines and treatments.
- Playing a critical role to ensure that workers displaced and laid off because of economic uncertainty and COVID-19 get the assistance they need.
- Expanding manufacturing capabilities to ramp up production once a medicine or vaccine is developed.
- Collaborating with government agencies, hospitals, doctors and others to donate supplies and medicines to those affected in the U.S. and around the world. North America’s Building Trades are donating N-95 masks and other equipment to nurses on the frontlines.
- Working with governments and insurers so that when new treatments and vaccines are approved they will be available, accessible, and affordable for all patients.